About Us

Our Core Values


Fellowship With Other Believers


Serving Just Like Jesus Did


Growing Our Relationship With God

Our Story & Mission

North Point started, as most things do, with an idea. Imagine a church where people could be themselves...no pious pretenders, no false humility, no fake sincerity...just authentic people committed to sharing Christ through sincere relationships, engaging worship, and community involvement.

In 2004, that idea became a reality as North Point began its quest to be that kind of a church. Our two founding pastors, Matt Branum and Ryan Charest, along with a handful of families in the area (and the help of our mothering church, First Christian Church in Rapid City) began the work of realizing the dream of North Point.

Since that time, North Point has been involved in helping plant other churches with a similar goal in Laramie ('07), Bismarck ('12), and Sheridan ('15).

But the real story of North Point is the people that make up our church. It can be seen in the lives changed by Jesus Christ and lived out in a very real relationship with Him.
...and there is room in that story for You!

At North Point our mission is to CONNECT people to God and GROW disciples of Jesus Christ who SERVE to make disciples.

Jesus, when asked what was the greatest commandment in all of scripture, responded "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind...and the second is like it: Love your neighbor."

At North Point, we strive to love God first and foremost. From that love, flows a love for our neighbors.

At North Point, we want to see all our friends and neighbors CONNECT with God. You see, Christianity isn't meant to be a bunch of rules, regulations, and traditions...It is about a real, active relationship with God. It's about walking through everyday life with Jesus. And it's about being connected to others who are trying to do the same.

Relationships are living things...as with all living things if it isn't growing, it's dying. North Point wants to help you GROW in your relationship with God .This happens when we connect with one another, teaching, encouraging, and serving alongside one another. Our mission is to help develop fully committed followers of Jesus.

And when you discover God's plan and the depth of his love for you, you will want to share that Good News with others. We share that message as we SERVE those around us. North Point offers many opportunities to serve...and not just on Sunday mornings. Together we can serve through our D-Groups, through events like our Back 2 School Bash, Thanksgiving Basket Outreach, and Mission trips. But we also want to encourage and equip one another for acts of service within our workplace, neighborhoods, and homes. We want you to discover the joy of serving and the increase in faith that comes from stepping out and allowing God to work through you.